How to Get Started in Cosplay: A Beginner’s Guide

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Ahhhhh cosplay... the joy of playing dress up. Are you here because you dream of dressing up as your favourite characters? But you don't know where to start? Well, my love, in this guide I'm going to give you my best tips on how to get started in cosplay... from someone who just started herself! Yep — I'm no pro. I haven't been doing this long, but I have been making costumes for 20+ years (even if I didn’t know all the cool, fancy techniques during that time). Plus I’ve been dreaming of becoming a cosplayer for years, and now it's finally happening! So here I am, documenting it in real time so that you can benefit from my journey too. This is my FIRST blog post on this site, and it's all about how to get started which is rather fitting, don't you think?

So alas, let's dive in! In this blog, I’ll be sharing what I learned while getting started in cosplay, based off attending my first event and making my first (official) cosplay outfit. Here are my best tips to offer you…

First off, decide WHERE you want to debut as a cosplayer.

And the answer could totally be in your living room 😉. But, you may also want to show off your fabulous creations and bring joy to those who love cosplay too! So, consider WHERE you want to wear your art. Do you want to attend a local convention or show? Or perhaps you're a cosplay performer and want to join an online group. Or maybe you want to start your own social media account or blog dedicated to sharing your cosplay creations and how you made them. The point is, get clear on how you want to share your art and how you can connect with others who love cosplay too.

For me, I always used to see people dressed to the nines at huge conferences like San Diego Comic-Con, and I sooooo wanted to attend one day! But the reality was, it felt a little out of my league while I was just getting started. So what I did was set the intention to find somethin' a little closer to home. And low and behold, a new friend of mine told me about AnimeCon (which was happening in my city!).

I bought a ticket, roped by partner and a few friends into coming, and decided it was happening this year – no matter how much I didn't feel “ready”. And I'm so glad that I did, because it was SUCH an empowering experience and I'm so looking forward to attending again in the future. We went as a whole crew and legit felt like legit celebrities… everyone wanted a picture!

Next, choose a character or outfit you LOVE.

Once you've decided where you're going to debut your cosplay, it's time to choose a character or outfit you love!

Not just a character or outfit you like, but one that speaks to your soul. Why? Because I believe this is how you'll get inspired to create truly magical cosplays.

For my first convention, I chose to recreate the characters from Final Fantasy VII. (I was Aerith and I helped my friends make Tifa, Cloud, and Vincent). Why? Because I've been loving these characters and the game since it came out, almost 20 years ago! Playing the original Final Fantasy VII was such a special time for me because I would play it all throughout the Summer when school was out and I was visiting family away from my hometown. It felt like freedom and safety at the time because I was bullied at school growing up. And gaming during the Summers were my happy place and moment of peace. So these characters played a huge role in uplifting my spirit when I was young. Especially Aeris (now Aerith) and Tifa.

Plus when the pandemic hit in 2020, and Final Fantasy VII Remake came out — it gave me something to do while being cooped up in quarantine. And it provided me with a hit of nostalgia and joy. So when it came time to pick my first cosplay project, I knew I wanted to cosplay Aerith. She has such a sweet, healing, gentle feminine spirit and I wanted to embody some of that energy.

I share this with you because I think it's important to feel how you want to FEEL when cosplaying. To me, it's not just about looking like your character, it's also about how you want to express yourself and how they inspire you on a deeper level. Cosplay can be healing, like any art form. It can help us reclaim lost parts of ourselves.

So when choosing a character or outfit to create, consider choosing someone who speaks to your heart the most. And reflect on why you’re drawn to them and how they can be a source of inspiration for more empowerment.

From left to right: Tifa, Vincent Valentine, Cloud, Aerith at Anime Con (Sorry I didn’t get the name of the photographer, if you know it please reach out to me!)

Once you have your character figured out, start collecting INSPIRATION on a Mood Board.

I personally LOVE Pinterest for finding inspiration for my cosplay projects. I start by making an inspiration board with the title of the Character, then I search relevant keywords. For example, "Aerith Cosplay", "Aerith Costume", "Aerith Final Fantasy 7", etc. I'll save both pictures of other people's cosplay creations, and I'll save reference photos from the actual game or movies. You can also “Pin” actually items or supplies you want to purchase for this project on the board itself, which allows you to price shop, and budget accordingly too.

I also like to add pins to resources or tutorials (like blog posts or YouTube videos) from other people who have made this cosplay so that I can reference different techniques or learn a new way of crafting things.

Creating your inspiration board is such a fun way to geek out and get hyped about the project that lies ahead! And in my opinion, it’s an essential planning step to set yourself up for success.

Then source, or make your cosplay items

Your cosplay doesn't have to be expensive or over the top – and it can even be made with things you already own. I usually tend to budget about $200-$250 per outfit.

With my Aerith cosplay, I ended up buying most of my items from Shein and Amazon, and just altered them. But when sourcing items, you may also find items at dollar stores, craft supply stores, costume shops, thrift stores and flea markets. Heck you could even try searching Facebook Marketplace if you want to! You can also try buying items online from places like Ali Express, Alibaba or Etsy – especially if it's a hard to find piece that needs to be custom made (if you don’t want to make it yourself).

And if you're lucky, it may even be Halloween season and you can find the perfect piece for a great deal. Then from sourcing these base materials and items, it’s just about learning to either alter them, or style them to put your look together.

Once you have all your items sourced (or made) – it's time to put everything together!

Whether you're sewing and crafting your cosplay outfit yourself, or having someone else make something for you, eventually it’s all going to have to come together. Spend some time making sure it’s comfortable, durable, and stays put. You’ll also want to practice doing your hair and makeup — which might mean wearing a wig, or clipping in extensions. You may even want to practice different poses or facial expressions! I always like to try everything on and do a “test run” first around the house to make sure I can wear it for long periods of time.

With all of this prep work done, it's time to show it off! When you’re ready, go all out and bring your artwork to the world! Whether that’s at a conference or online, enjoy showcasing your final creation and be proud of what you’ve accomplished.

And lastly, have fun with it!

Cosplay isn't just about how you look, but how you feel. So take the time to laugh, play and be present in whatever character you're embodying. Trust me — it will add a whole new level of joy to your experience when you fully own how awesome you are!

And one final note – if you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start, find a cosplay buddy! Having someone to share your adventure with can make all the difference in how you feel and how much fun you have. So go ahead and seek out local cosplay meetups or online communities – there are always plenty of newbies, veterans and people who are just as passionate about cosplay as you are.

And even if you're not an amazing designer yet, or have no idea what you're doing, just start somewhere. Take one baby step at a time and have fun with it. That's what I'm doing with this blog, and even though it's uncomfortable to put myself out there like this, and I don’t know the most advance crafting techniques (yet), it's still so rewarding creatively. So put yourself out there, take that first step, and embrace all the joy of cosplay no matter what “level” you’re at!
I hope this guide helped you get started on your own cosplay journey! Let me know if you have any other tips for beginners in the comments. :)

May the force be with you,

Queen Amy Dala

PPS. If you found this blog helpful, feel free to share it with your friends, fellow cosplayers and anyone else who you think might be interested in how to get started in cosplay! (And check out the different free and paid ways you can support me, which is greatly appreciated).


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