I'm a geeky Vancouver cosplayer who also happens to blog about it.


"I think if human beings had genuine courage, they'd wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween. Wouldn't life be more interesting that way?" - Douglas Coupland

I agree, Mr. Coupland. I agree.☝🏻

That’s why I decided to share my love for playing dress up on the internet. It keep things interesting…

Allow me to introduce myself…

My artist name is Queen Amy Dala (I’m a nerd and I know it 😉).

I created this cosplayer website to share my passion for playing dress up. I believe that if people had the courage to express themselves and their creativity every day, life would be insanely more enjoyable.

At least that's been the case for me...

I've been in love with playing dress up for as long as I can remember, and my love for creating costumes has only grown over the years. I started drawing fashion figures at four, got my first sewing machine at thirteen, and designed all the costumes for my dance team in my early twenties. I even went to Fashion Business & Creative Arts College because I loved costuming so much.

It wasn't long until people were commissioning me for festival wear and Halloween costumes, and I soon realized that my love for cosplay was much more than just a fleeting hobby — it was an artistic lifestyle that lit me the fudge up. I didn’t care if I was seen as weird and “out there”.

Then at a certain point, I thought I "grew out of it"... only to feel like something was missing from my life. After doing some serious soul-searching, I realized that the creative expression and joy I got from cosplay was something I couldn't shake, no matter how old or "mature" I got (I was born in ‘89 by the way… do the math 😉)

And so, Queen Cosplay was born.

Whether I'm cosplaying Disney princesses or wielding a light saber on the battlefield, I always make sure to put my heart and soul into each project — I'm all about embracing the things that bring me JOY and giving others permission to let their geek flags fly.

I believe that cosplay is for everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, body-type, or background. Whether you're obsessing over a certain character, dressing up for a convention, or want to learn how to make your own costumes, I hope you'll find some inspiration on my cosplayer website.

If you visit my blog, you'll find tutorials for everything from simple quick costumes on a budget, to full-on DIY character builds. Plus reviews and resources to make your crafting life easier, and convention adventures to get you inspired!

Whether you're just getting started in the world of cosplay or are a seasoned pro, I hope you'll feel right at home here (where us nerds are the norm).

Now, let's have some FUN!

With love & magic,

PS. Are you a fan of my work? If so, consider checking out the different free and paid ways you can support me as an artist. (Every little bit means the world to me 🙏🏻).

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